Testosterone Replacement, The Game Changer

So a few years ago, soon after turning 40, I started to feel a bit low. Nothing major, but just a bit “kak”. It slowly progressed, but so slowly the symptoms basically started to feel normal… ageing, I thought. With this steady decline, came expected issues: Lack of motivation to get things done. Battling to play with my small kids. Not really caring much about life. Not feeling very emotional (happy or sad) about things in life..

The simple things we ignore to watch are the tale-tell signs

Then my sleep started to become affected – very tired early and wanting to sleep by 9 or 9:30, then waking up 2am and again at 4am. During the day I started to feel exhausted, short of breath and still even more disinterested in life.

I truly thought it was clinical depression, and any Google search will bring up 1000 ailments for these symptoms. Depression, auto-immune disease, even cancer. It was suggested that I check iron levels in my blood and went for tests, but I threw in a few other items to check, one of these being Testosterone.

Promotes hair growth
The results were interesting – everything fine, except for low T (it was 6). Having not done doctors for many years, off I went to my homeopath. For 3 months we tried Tribulus, various other remedies and even DHEA spray. After a re-test my T was down to 1.6 and this is when I decided to find a doctor to help. This is not so easy. Is it a GP, an Endocrinologist or a Urologist? Not sure, but I finally found Dr. Opperman at the T-Clinic – a specialist in Testosterone – Not a generalist and this is what is needed.

We discussed symptoms, protocol and expectations and he started me on conservative treatment.
I now have weekly T injections that are not painful and the difference is nothing short of staggering. It took a few weeks for me to notice the difference, but my sleep improved almost immediately.

My mood improved, my outlook on life improved, my motivation improved. I was interested in life again – playing with my kids, communicating with my wife. Feeling again.

Now there is a huge misperception about Low T. Many think it is “sex” only thing. Actually my sex drive was not really affected prior to treatment. That being said, feeling better about yourself and yes, improved sex drive is no bad thing, but it was not my prime prime motivation for treatment. I have no issue telling people I am on T and many men listen quietly – others “tease” but all I can say is just go for the damn blood test and then see Dr. Opperman.

I am in my second cycle and feel amazing. I;m hitting the gym and really seeing results and feeling better than I have felt before.

He is conservative, thorough and does not rip you off.

Here is to feeling good.


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